Drops, unicorns, and rainbows

Interactive play for children and grown-ups.

by and with Claudio Milani

Drops, unicorns, and rainbows is the summer version of Gloria’s Tales.
It’s an interactive performance set outside, in a big space.
After the lively Run of the Unicorns, the Raindrop will create a rainbow more than 11 meters long which will envelop everyone.

The incredible story of the sheatfish Bagolone will color the air strawberry red and will make adults run in a fun game between grass and sky.
Drops, Unicorns, and Rainbows is where narration and entertainment meet. Grown-ups and children set out to discover simple games with great visual and emotional impact.
Adults, together with their little ones, will be engaged in the activities, creating a child-sized moment of celebration.This interactive play can be planned for up to 80 children.

For providers only.
For more information on availability of this play please contact the organizational manager: Simona Cattaneo.